Welcome to my blog! My name is Geoff. I have always been a sporty kind of chap. I love to go long distance running and I also play football and rugby. One day after a long run, I had a terrible pain in my foot. I thought I had just been overdoing it a little bit, so I decided to rest up. A week later, it was no better. I was still in a lot of pain and had to drop out of a couple of football matches. My doctor sent me to see a podiatrist who examined my foot and explained I had damaged a ligament. The podiatrist helped me to get back to full health. I decided to start this blog to explain the importance of good foot care.
If you play sports of any kind, or just run or jog regularly, you may eventually need the services of a sports podiatrist. He or she will be knowledgeable about all sorts of conditions that affect the feet, but especially those that are common to those who run, jump, or otherwise put lots of added stress and strain on the feet and ankles. Note when it's good to see a sports podiatrist so you don't assume that certain aches and pains of the feet are just normal and to be expected, but are sure to get them treated as soon as necessary.
The foot starts to curve
Examine your feet regularly and notice if their shape seems to change, as this may mean that you are developing bunions or bone spurs, or may need better shoes for your activity. If the top of the foot, along the base of the toes, seems to point more prominently toward the inside while the toes seem to begin curving outward, this usually means a bunion or bone spur is forming. If the foot itself seems to be flatter and the entire shape of it curving inward, this could mean you don't have proper support of the feet and your instep is collapsing. In these cases, it's best to have the conditions treated before they become serious and interfere with your play, or even need eventual surgery to correct.
Tingling and burning in the feet
Your feet may be sore after a good workout or game, but you shouldn't experience tingling and burning. This is often caused by a benign tumour at the base of the nerves of the heel; this tumour presses on the nerves and causes that tingling or burning. Ignoring this sensation can mean that the tumour grows so that it interferes with nerve function. Don't assume that tingling just means you need a good foot massage or time off your feet, but get your feet checked as soon as possible.
Pain on the bottom of the foot
As said, feet can be sore after a game or long jog, but if you feel outright pain on the soles, this can mean an inflammation of the soft tissue fibres along the bottom of the feet. This inflammation may need medication to control or you may actually need surgery to cut and reshape those fibres. Ignoring these tumours will usually only allow that inflammation to get worse over time, so that even everyday walking and standing becomes painful.